Sunday, March 2, 2008

A visit to the Udzungwa National Forest

The Udzungwa National Forest is rich in wildflife, birds and flora in particular. One feature of the park is a beautiful waterfall to which you can hike and enjoy lovely views across the valley and plains to the east of the mountain.

Flowers of Tanzania - bislys

This beautiful plant, bislys, has a gorgeous purple flower and is currently blooming in the Udzungwa National Forest.

Medicinal Plants of Tanzania: cimilax ancepsy

This plant found in the Udzungwa National Forest called cimilax ancepsy has interesting properties. It can be used as an antiseptic to prevent infection in open wounds.

Trees of Tanzania

Here is an interesting tree that grows in the Udzungwa National Park. It is called a buttress tree. The roots at the bottom grow very wide and act as buttresses to support the tree in a shallow soil on mountainous terrain.

The other tree, with dark green leaves is also characteristic of this area.

Plant life of Tanzania

This is an interesting plant. The flower was in bloom today.

Birds of Tanzania

Udzungwa National Park has an abundance of bird life. Today
on a walk through Udzungwa National Park with a group of visitors from England and the United Staets, we heard a red bishop in rise farmand also other diference number of bids which was difficult to get its photos.
A great guide to get is Birds of Kenya and Northern Tanzania, Dale A. Zimmerman, Donald A. Turner, David J. Pearson, leons mlawila (form IRINGA), Maneno(from IRINGA)